Good start for Dynamic Automation & LANDMECO

Mid-april LANDMECO had the opportunity to

inform Dynamic Automations customers about LANDMECOs products during an Open House event held by Dynamic Automation (LANDMECOs dealer in South Africa).

LANDMECO experienced great interest and curiosity from the attending customers, and the event definitely gave rise to some interesting subsequent customer contacts and quotations.

"It seems that investments in the broiler market in South Africa begins to open up a bit again, so our timing with Dynamic Automation is absolutely perfect, and we will follow the market closely in the future," says Export Manager Alex Dybdal.

Ildex Indonesian 2023

Skiold Landmeco participates at Ildex Indonesian

SPACE 2023

Skiold Landmeco participates at SPACE 2023


Skiold Landmeco participates together with EURO SYSTEM.